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Building Wind Finland 2020 together with

Greetings from FWPA’s speaker sourcing

Heidi Paalatie, Operations Manager for Finnish Wind Power Association, gathers the lineup for Wind Finland each year with help of colleagues. “We have ‘Energy Transition’ as general theme this year – but of course we have the hottest topics of this autumn included as well. Mr. Jukka Kotovirta will lead us to the theme by telling what energy sector could learn from telecommunications, another industry that has gone through major technological transition”, Paalatie tells about Wind Finland 2018.

“Our keynote, Ms.  Antonella Battaglini of Renewables Grid Initiative, tells us what energy transition requires when looking from the perspective of grid. Further, energy transition is looked from different angles by several top experts: Is demand respond a game changer? How about heating sector – is that the big scale storage for renewables? What can we learn from markets, which have already deployed renewables in large shares? And is there something for energy in the future of blockchains – what do we need to know about them?”

“PPA’s and auctions are ways to enable wind power investments right now – topics that were a must to be included on agenda of Wind Finland this year”, Paalatie adds.

“Wind Finland guests represent the whole wind power industry, and for the reason we have parallel sessions in the afternoon part of the seminar day. We hope everybody can learn something new with the range of top experts we have in Wind Finland this year.”

Check out the full agenda here.

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