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Building Wind Finland 2020 together with


Wind Finland goes Production – 16th of Feb. 2021

8:00 Virtual doors open – Time for networking

9:20 Start of the day: Anni Mikkonen & Heidi Paalatie
Director of Operations, Finnish Wind Power Association
Wind Power in Finland. Statistics 2020 and outlook for coming years.

Electricity Market

9:50 Pia Ruokolainen
Specialist, Fingrid Oyj
Market Places for Automatic Frequency Control

10:15 Hanni Sonkeri
Designer, Fingrid Oyj
How to improve the possibilities of wind power participation in the Finnish balancing electricity market

10:40 Break

Performance Optimization

10:50 Joel Igba
Senior Product Manager for Turbine Service Products, Vestas
Operation and monitoring of large wind portfolios and its most suitable analytics and digital tools

11:15 Rickard Klinkert
Department Manager, Ramboll
Experiences from evaluating SCADA data for understanding the development of the power curve over time and the associated losses

11:40 Jaakko Ala-Reinikka
Operational Excellence Manager, Carelin
Performance loss identification with existing data

12:10 – 13:00 Lunch break + networking


13:00 Petteri Antikainen
CEO, Wicetec
Ice Prevention, option also as a retrofit 

13:25 Malte Sander interviewed by Taru Kaarlela (OX2)
Blade Specialist, Nordex Energy
New ways of blade maintenance

13:45 Networking break


14:10 Antti Leskinen
CEO, APL Systems
Acoustic Predictive Maintenance in Wind Power

14:35 Antti Kuusela
Expert, Fingrid Oyj
Subsynchronous oscillation risks for wind power plants

15:00 Networking break


15:15 Jari Tuomi
Head of Unit, Electrical Installations, Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency (Tukes)
Steps for safe working

15:40 Henrik Asplund
Business Area Manager, Kiwa Inspecta
Hydraulic Accumulator registrations according Finnish Pressure Equipment Act 1144/2016

15:50 Ville Koskela
Managing Director, WiCo Inspections
Wind turbine statutory inspections in Finland

16:15 Anni Mikkonen & Heidi Paalatie
CEO & Director of Operations, Finnish Wind Power Association
Advocacy update

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