6th of February in Tullisali, Oulu

368 € + VAT
SURF Members, Authorities, Municipalities and Associations
478 € + VAT
All others
- Access to Seminar and Exhibition-area
- Full catering with Finnish flavors
- Cocktail session after the seminar
- Access to Networking App
- Evening Event with dinner and entertainment

319 € + VAT
SURF Members, Authorities, Municipalities and Associations
399 € + VAT
All others
- Access to Seminar and Exhibition-area
- Full catering with Finnish flavors
- Cocktail session after the seminar
- Access to Networking App

149 € + VAT
SURF Members, Authorities, Municipalities and Associations
199 € + VAT
All others
- Evening Event with dinner and entertainment

- Access to Seminar and Exhibition-area
- Full catering with Finnish flavors
- Cocktail session after the seminar
- Access to Networking App
- Evening Event with dinner and entertainment
Early Bird -tickets available until 30th of Nov:
Seminar & Evening: 239€ / 348€ + VAT
Seminar: 189€ / 269€ + VAT
Evening: 79€ / 139€ + VAT
Normal tickets available until 22nd of Jan:
Seminar & Evening: 288€ / 398€ + VAT
Seminar: 239€ / 319€ + VAT
Evening: 99€ / 159€ + VAT
Late registration tickets available until 6th of Feb:
Seminar & Evening: 368€ / 478€ + VAT
Seminar: 319€ / 399€ + VAT
Evening: 149€ / 199€ + VAT
21st of May in Kaapelitehdas, Helsinki

429 € + VAT
SURF Members, Authorities, Municipalities and Associations
629 € + VAT
All others
- Access to Seminar and Exhibition-area
- Full catering with Finnish flavors
- Cocktail session after the seminar
- Access to Networking App
- Evening Event with dinner and entertainment

329 € + VAT
SURF Members, Authorities, Municipalities and Associations
469 € + VAT
All others
- Access to Seminar and Exhibition-area
- Full catering with Finnish flavors
- Cocktail session after the seminar
- Access to Networking App

99 € + VAT
SURF Members, Authorities, Municipalities and Associations
159 € + VAT
All others
- Evening Event with dinner and entertainment

- Access to Seminar and Exhibition-area
- Full catering with Finnish flavors
- Cocktail session after the seminar
- Access to Networking App
- Evening Event with dinner and entertainment
Early Bird -tickets available until 21st of Feb.
Normal tickets available until 6th of May:
Seminar & Evening: 449€ / 649€ + VAT
Seminar: 349€ / 489€ + VAT
Evening: 99€ / 159€ + VAT
Late registration tickets available until 21st of May:
Seminar & Evening: 549€ / 749€ + VAT
Seminar: 449€ / 589€ + VAT
Evening: 149€ / 199€ + VAT
30th of September in Kaapelitehdas, Helsinki

499 € + VAT
SURF Members, Authorities, Municipalities and Associations
599 € + VAT
All others
- Access to Seminar and Exhibition-area
- Full catering with Finnish flavors
- Cocktail session after the seminar
- Access to Networking App
- Evening Event with dinner and entertainment

389 € + VAT
SURF Members, Authorities, Municipalities and Associations
489 € + VAT
All others
- Access to Seminar and Exhibition-area
- Full catering with Finnish flavors
- Cocktail session after the seminar
- Access to Networking App

129 € + VAT
SURF Members, Authorities, Municipalities and Associations
179 € + VAT
All others
- Evening Event with dinner and entertainment

- Access to Seminar and Exhibition-area
- Full catering with Finnish flavors
- Cocktail session after the seminar
- Access to Networking App
- Evening Event with dinner and entertainment
Early Bird -tickets available until 20th of Jun.
Normal tickets available until 15th of Sep:
Seminar & Evening: 599€ / 699€ + VAT
Seminar: 489€ / 589€ + VAT
Evening: 129€ / 179€ + VAT
Late registration tickets available until 30th of Sep:
Seminar & Evening: 699€ / 799€ + VAT
Seminar: 589€ / 689€ + VAT
Evening: 149€ / 209€ + VAT
Verkkojen vakaus & turvallisuus – tutustu viimeisiin ohjelmajulkaisuihin
Odotus on nyt palkittu kun seminaarin koko ohjelma on viimein julkaistu! Helmikuun 6. päivä Wind Finland Oulu -lavalla syvennytään laatuun, turvallisuuteen ja toimintavarmuuteen 14 asiantuntijan johdolla. Viimeiset puhujajulkistukset täydentävät seminaariagendaa…
Wind Finland is organized by Renewables Finland.
Address: Yliopistonkatu 34 B 17, 40100 Jyväskylä, Finland