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Building Wind Finland 2020 together with

Announced speakers

Peter Lund

Professor in Advanced Energy Systems at Aalto University

Scenarios for growth of wind power – does it go by the book?

Dr. Peter Lund is Professor in Advanced Energy Systems at Aalto University, Finland. He has 40 years of experience in renewable energy technologies and policies, working across disciplines and bridging sectors. He has/had visiting professor positions in Germany and China.

He led the national programme on new energy technologies NEMO (Tekes) 1988-1998. Dr. Lund is active in senior roles with EU initiatives in energy: he chaired the Advisory Group Energy of European Commission 2002-06 and the Energy Steering Panel of European Academies Science Advisory Council (EASAC, 2013-2017). He has served many energy programs worldwide in advisory roles, incl. IEA.

He is member of the Finnish Academy Science and Letters and Swedish Engineering Academy in Finland. Dr. Lund is Editor of Interdisciplinary Reviews: Energy and Environment and member of several editorial boards. He is internationally awarded, recipient of the Jinling Award in 2016. His doctoral degree is from Helsinki University of Technology (1984); London Business School Alumni (1989).

Irene Suomi

Research Scientist at the Finnish Meteorological Institute

The Winds of North – Is It Always Windy Somewhere?

Dr. Irene Suomi is a research scientist at the Finnish Meteorological Institute. Her main fields of expertise are atmospheric turbulence and wind, with special focus on short-duration wind speed maxima, called wind gusts. She earned her PhD from the University of Helsinki in 2017, after which she was internationally acknowledged by an invitation to become a convener of a wind gust session in the Annual Meetings of the European Meteorological Society (EMS).

During the past years, she has been actively working in research projects related to wind and turbulence in cold climates, including also Arctic and Antarctic meteorology. Currently, she is also the president of the Geophysical Society of Finland, and the delegate of the Finnish national committee of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP).

Jukka Ruusunen

CEO of Fingrid Oyj

Grid – Platform for Energy Transition

Jukka Ruusunen has been Managing Director of Fingrid Oyj since 2007. Preceding his time at Fingrid, Ruusunen served as the Development Director at Fortum for 10 years. Prior to this, he worked at University of Technology and Helsinki School of Economics for 15 years during his early career. Jukka Ruusunen is a Doctor of Technology.

Juha Turkki

Director at SKM Market Predictor as

Cannibalization and profile risk

Juha Turkki, M.Sc. (For.) has 20 years of experience in energy sector having been working in private and public sectors. His expertise covers long term power market analysis, energy and climate policy issues and profitability analysis of renewable technologies. Currently, he works at SKM Market Predictor in various power market related consultancy projects.

Jaakko Kleemola

Director of Technology at Suomen Hyötytuuli Oy

Owner views: the challenges and solutions in forecasting production

Jaakko KleemolaDoctor of Science (Tech.), is Director of Technology at Suomen Hyötytuuli Oy.  Since 2009 he has been working at wind energy sector in many different roles starting from Group Manager of wind turbine gearbox manufacturer to his current role as Technology Director at wind turbine owner. Prior to this, working at university and industrial side has given him a very strong and broad technical background starting from individual EHL contacts to largest power train systems. His current responsibilities include to improve production capabilities and tools for example by offering better productions energy forecasts or developing predictive maintenance algorithm for monitoring.  His doctoral theses is from Tampere University of Technology (2010).

Ville Lehtomäki

Managing Director at Kjeller Vindteknikk Oy

Cost of uncertainty in project development

Mr Lehtomäki works as Managing Director at the science-based consultancy company Kjeller Vindteknikk Oy (Finnish office). In addition to managing the Finnish office’s commercial operations, his technical work today focuses on wind energy topics such as energy yield assessments, icing loss evaluations and wind measurement analyses. From 2009-2018 he worked at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd in Wind Power team having extensive international wind energy experience, coordinating and developing new projects and creating new technology innovations mainly in the field of wind energy.

Mr Lehtomäki has a Master’s degree in mechanical engineering (product development) from Helsinki University of Technology.

He is on a mission to help unlock the full potential of wind energy in Finland.

Fredrik Gustavsson

Director Renewable and Infrastructure activities at SEB Corporate Finance

Variety of financing structures and investor preferences

Fredrik Gustavsson is Director Renewable and Infrastructure activities at SEB Corporate Finance, working primarily in the Nordics . He has more than 18 years of experience from the Energy Sector with focus on renewables and infra for the last 12 years. Mr Gustavsson has long experience working with wind developers and investors , he has closed several > 200 MEUR investments over the last years.  His last deal was advising Infra Capital doing their first wind investment in the Nordics (Storbacken, Kröpuln 60 MW in Finland sold by OX2).

Mr. Gustavsson is a board member of the Norwegian Wind Association, he has previous senior management experience from Swedbank, DNB Energy and DNV-GL.

Aleksi Lumijärvi

Program Manager in the Nordic Development Fund

Past and Future trends of Renewable Energy Investments

Aleksi Lumijärvi works a program manager in the Nordic Development Fund, a climate finance institution of the Nordic countries. Lumijärvi has over 20 years of global experience in energy and climate finance, especially renewable energy and energy efficiency.

He has hands-on experience in wind, solar, small hydro, bioenergy and energy efficiency projects in developed and developing countries. Lumijärvi has been involved with several transaction types such as project finance, leasing, venture capital and private equity, M&A, customer finance solutions, etc., and he has also experience in design of funds and other financing instruments. He has worked in managerial positions in consulting, financial advisory, as well as fund and investment management.

His experience includes private sector companies and international organisations. In 2014-16 he worked as renewable energy finance expert in the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) in Abu Dhabi. He holds memberships of the boards and investment committees of clean energy funds and investment vehicles, and has worked as a clean energy finance advisor for the Asian Development Bank.

Juha Kiviluoma

Senior Scientist in Design and Operation of Energy Systems research node at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland

Electrification of energy and the role of wind power

Juha Kiviluoma has 15 years of research experience and is currently Senior Scientist in Design and Operation of Energy Systems research node at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland as well as a senior energy systems research at University College Dublin (part-time). He has participated in the development of several energy system models and algorithms including WILMAR, Balmorel, Backbone (lead developer), IRENA FlexTool (main developer) and Spine (co-ordinator). His PhD thesis compared flexibility options for power systems with large amounts of variable generation.

Juha has experience leading projects and work packages in large projects. He has co-authored approximately 100 publications including 23 journal articles (h-index 18). Juha’s main research interest is in modelling energy systems with qualifications in problem formulation, model formulation, programming, generation planning, unit commitment and dispatch, power system reserves, market design, capacity adequacy, and energy resources.

Heikki Peltomaa

Managing Director and a team member of wpd Finland Oy

Host & moderator

Heikki Peltomaa, B.Sc (Energy) has more than 20 years of experience on international/national energy business through O&M, project execution, sales, account management and business development. Currently acting as Managing Director and a team member of wpd Finland Oy, developing onshore and offshore wind parks  in Finland. Also seeking after wind PPA possibilities within Finnish industry and other stakeholders. One of the spokesman of Voimaa Tuulesta-Coalition towards Finnish Government and decision makers influencing Finnish energy policy towards renewable energy.

Diletta Zeni

Advisor – Energy & Climate Change, WindEurope

Energy & Climate priorities in the new EU institutions

WindEurope is the voice of the European wind industry. With more than 400 members, it represents the entire value chain of wind power, includingturbine manufacturers, power utilities, project developers, financial institutions and research institutes. WindEurope actively promotes wind energy, engaging in discussions with Governments and European institutions on policy and regulation that affect wind power and its integration in the energy system.

Diletta started as Public Affairs Advisor in WindEurope in May 2017. Previous work experiences include Project Management dealing with EU-funded research projects in WindEurope and the European Commission. Diletta holds a MA in European Law and one in Environmental Sciences and Management.

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