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Building Wind Finland 2020 together with

Wind Finland goes production 2020
On 12th of February in Oulu
Thank you for participating!

Wind Finland goes Production! The seminar is the first in series of Wind Finland spin-off events that will be diving deep in specific themes.

On February 12th 2020 Wind Finland brings together in Oulu specialist of wind power production. Come and learn from the top speakers, share your experiences, and network with colleagues and service providers of production phase. The seminar is organized together with Business Oulu.

Like in all Wind Finland seminars there is plenty of time for networking. Full seminar day is followed by casual get-together to continue networking. On following day, Feb 13th, seminar guests are welcomed to a site visit to Viinamäki wind farm to see turbines with 175-metre cable supported towers, and the largest battery storage in the Nordic region.

Wind Finland is on the road and ready for new adventures –  Save the date and book your tickets now!

In collaboration with

Announced Speakers

Miika Sinettä

Production Engineer, Taaleri Energia Operations Ltd

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Miika Sinettä has experience of 12 years from wind energy production. Diverse experience from surveillance centre and hands-on tasks at sites to operation and maintenance management of wind farms in national and international level have given a wide technical understanding and valuable knowledge for managing of wind farms.

Currently Miika is doing technical and commercial management for part of Taaleri’s 1.6 GW wind and solar assets. Responsibilities includes tasks which are important to the investors such as monitoring of operations, performance analysis, optimization and improvement of energy production and also developing automation for monitoring and reporting. Miika holds a Master of Engineering in Technological Competence Management and BSc in Automation.

Upcoming legal requirements for service lift inspections

Jari Siltala

Control Center Manager at Fingrid Oyj

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Jari Siltala, M.Sc. (Tech.), has been working as manager of Fingrid’s Main Grid Control Centre since 2010. Additionally, he has been working on the network code on emergency and restoration since ENTSO-E started drafting the code in 2013 and is currently working on the implementation of the code’s requirements.

Network code on emergency and restoration – requirements and implementation in Finland

Kimmo Tyni

Head Business Development at Axpo Finland Oy

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Kimmo Tyni, M.Sc. in Power Engineering, works as Head Business Development at Axpo Finland Oy. He has more than 25 years of experience in energy markets and has gathered a wide experience in the whole wind power value chain during the last 10 years. In his current position the focus is mainly on power market services for wind power developers and investors.

Changes in Nordic Balancing Model

Jaakko Kleemola

Director of Technology at Suomen Hyötytuuli Oy

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Jaakko KleemolaDoctor of Science (Tech.), is Director of Technology at Suomen Hyötytuuli Oy.  Since 2009 he has been working at wind energy sector in many different roles starting from Group Manager of wind turbine gearbox manufacturer to his current role as Technology Director at wind turbine owner. Prior to this, working at university and industrial side has given him a very strong and broad technical background starting from individual EHL contacts to largest power train systems. His current responsibilities include to improve production capabilities and tools for example by offering better productions energy forecasts or developing predictive maintenance algorithm for monitoring.  His doctoral theses is from Tampere University of Technology (2010).

Case study – icing effect to product forecast and market prices

Markus Bäck

Head of Wind- & Customer Optimisation Nordics at Vattenfall

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Markus Bäck is Head of Wind- & Customer Optimisation Nordics at Vattenfall, the largest utility in the Nordics and one of the biggest renewable energy players in Europe. Markus started at Vattenfall Management Consulting in 2011 before joining Vattenfall Asset Optimisation & Trading in 2013, where since then he’s been driving the development of Vattenfall’s Nordic Wind Optimisation and Intraday trading.

How to Operate and Optimise a Wind-portfolio?

Heidi Paalatie

Director of Operations, Finnish Wind Power Association

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Heidi Paalatie, M.Econ. in Corporate Environmental Management, is Director of Operations in Finnish Wind Power Association. She has been with the association over seven years with wide range of responsibilities within public relations, advocacy, and communications. FWPA is the leading industry association for wind power in Finland. The association is a key player, when it comes to providing information and forming the future of the industry in Finland.

What’s up, Finnish wind power?

Ville Huhtaniemi

Managing Director at Bladefence Oy

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Ville Huhtaniemi is the Managing Director of Bladefence Oy and holds close to a decade’s worth of experience within the group.

Ville’s mission at Bladefence is to maximise the performance and endurance of wind turbine blades by offering high quality blade service throughout Europe and North America.

Since 2010, the company has concentrated on remodelling the standard practice of blade servicing by shifting the focus from expensive, reactive wind turbine blade repairs, to preventative maintenance work with shared risks and fixed fees.

Bladefence is known for pioneering the most sophisticated methods of blade servicing with the use of cutting edge technology such as advanced skylift equipment (MEWPs) and UV curing blade repair methods – a combination which enables highly efficient operations in harsh weather conditions with minimal downtime.

Ville Huhtaniemi also works as the Managing Director of Janneniska Oy, an industry leading lifting company which specialises in the rental of aerial platforms.

Before joining the Janneniska group of companies, Ville worked for over fifteen years in management positions within the logistics industry.

Leading edge protection – Is it worth it?

Juha Kautto

Senior Condition Monitoring Specialist at Valmet Automation

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Juha Kautto works as Senior Condition Monitoring Specialist in Valmet Automation. He has been working with condition monitoring for more than 25 years in power generation and process industry. He has been working with vibrations and mechanical problem solving but is also familiar with other condition monitoring methods including thermography, lubrication/tribology, electrical condition monitoring methods etc.

Nowadays as an CAT ISOIV certified vibration analyst, his work consist expert support for operation and maintenance activities together with development and implementation of Condition Monitoring and Condition Based Maintenance systems and practices.

In addition to his daily work Juha Kautto is participating in national and international standardization of condition monitoring. Juha Kautto is representative in work groups PSK57, PSK91 and is taking part in international standardization as a delegate in ISO/TC108/SC5.

During his career Juha Kautto has had over 80 presentations and published over 30 articles about Preventive and Predictive Maintenance, Condition Based Maintenance (CBM), Condition Management , Condition Monitoring, vibration measurements and diagnostics.

Challenges in future condition monitoring

Christopher Stanley

Independent Consultant

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Christopher Stanley has specialised in blades for the past 18 years.  Starting as a blade designer for a major OEM, his work has later broadened to include strategic sourcing functions and management roles in blade R&D and prototyping.  He currently consults internationally for, amongst others, a number of major OEM´s, owner operators, and material suppliers.

Managing blade risks – a technical perspective for owners/operators

Kimmo Kaappola

Business Development Director at Wind Controller Oy

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Mr Kimmo Kaappola works as a business development director at Wind Controller Oy. WiCo is specialised for operational phase technical asset management for the whole wind park asset including both the turbines and the electrical distribution. Mr Kaappola himself has experience from Finnish wind power industry since 2003 but also several years from tidal industry in the UK. In both industries he has played a key role in developing grid compatible renewable turbines.  Ethos in his work is to understand the asset and its performance. Pivotal there is to have a reliable remote connection to the asset, with the acquired data the asset performance can be monitored and optimised.

Emphasis in his presentation is to give tools how to connect the wind park asset to a remote control centre satisfying the new NC-ER code requirements.The presentation shall include implementation recommendations for substation, remote connection but also requirements for a remote control centre.

Practical implementation of NC-ER code to Wind Parks in Finland


Day 1 Agenda, The Seminar– 12th of Feb

9:00 Doors open and breakfast is served

9:45 Start of the seminar day

Heidi Paalatie, Director of Operations, Finnish Wind Power Association
What’s up, Finnish wind power?

Pauli Harju, Region Mayor
Opening speech – Business Oulu

10:10 Changes in regulation  I

Kimmo Tyni, Head Business Development, Axpo Finland Oy
Changes in Nordic Balancing Model

Miika Sinettä, Production Engineer, Taaleri Energia Operations Ltd
Upcoming legal requirements for service lift inspections

10.55 Break

11.15 Changes in regulation  II

Jari Siltala, Control Center Manager, Fingrid Oyj
Network code on emergency and restoration – requirements and implementation in Finland

Kimmo Kaappola, Business Development Director, Wind Controller Oy
Practical implementation of NC-ER code to Wind Parks in Finland

12.15 Lunch & Networking

13:45 Managing wind turbines

Markus Bäck, Head of Wind- & Customer Optimisation Nordics, Vattenfall
How to Operate and Optimise a Wind-portfolio?

Jaakko Kleemola, Technology Director, Suomen Hyötytuuli Oy
Case study – icing effect to product forecast and market prices

Juha Kautto, Senior Condition Monitoring Specialist, Valmet
Challenges in future condition monitoring.

15:15 Coffee break

16:00 Blades session

Christopher Stanley, Independent Consultant
Managing blade risks – a technical perspective for owners/operators.

Ville Huhtaniemi, Managing Director, Bladefence Oy
Leading edge protection – Is it worth it?

16:45 Viinamäki site visit – pre talks

Jarkko Finnilä, Carelin Oy

Kari Tuominen, Peikko Finland Oy

Aki Leinonen, Merus Power Dynamics Oy

18:00 Networking Evening in Restaurant Teerenpeli hosted by Suvic Oy

Day 2, Complimentary site visit to Viinamäki wind farm – 13th of Feb

Bus leaves at 8:45 from the Lapland Hotel Oulu to Viinamäki wind farm. The site visit includes lunch and bus will head back to Lapland Hotel Oulu around 13:00 via Oulu Airport.

Building the event together with

Event Information


Our venue is Telesali in Oulu.

Address: Hallituskatu 36 A, 90100 Oulu

Finnair and Norwegian fly daily to Oulu from Helsinki-Vantaa.

Networking Evening in Teerenpeli hosted by Suvic Oy

Seminar day is followed by casual get-together to continue networking. Evening is held at Teerenpeli. Seminar + Evening Ticket includes pub food during the evening and two drink tickets.

Complimentary site visit to Viinamäki wind farm

On the following day, Feb 13th, seminar guests are welcomed to a site visit to Viinamäki wind farm to see turbines with 175-metre cable supported towers, and the largest battery storage in the Nordic region.

Bus leaves at 8:45 from the Lapland Hotel Oulu to Viinamäki wind farm. The site visit includes lunch and bus will head back to Lapland Hotel Oulu around 13:00 via Oulu Airport.

The site visit is made possible by Peikko, TuuliWatti and Merus Power.


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