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Building Wind Finland 2020 together with

Wind Finland 2020 Virtual Event – Full program published

Come online to hear the latest news of the Finnish wind power industry at the Wind Finland 2020 Virtual Event on 7th of October. This year you can easily attend Finland’s biggest wind power seminar from the office with colleagues or even from your own sofa. The seminar program is versatile with top speakers, and networking tool Brella makes sure that connecting with other seminar guests in virtual meetings is simple and fast. Welcome to Wind Finland 2020 Virtual Event!

Wind Finland 2020 seminar program includes a comprehensive overview of current themes in the wind power industry, including research, policy and the future of energy sector. The presentations of the seminar program are divided into four themes that are relevant to the wind power sector at the moment: Wind Finland goes policy, Wind Finland goes online, Beyond onshore wind power and Wind Finland goes research.  These themes are presented parallel on two virtual stages.

During the day you will hear e.g. about the role of renewable energy in European and Finnish energy policy, the impact of wind power on the operation of the Finnish electricity grid, research on the health effects of wind power sound and lessons learned of bird radar use in the Tahkoluoto wind farm.

Find out more about the speakers of the day and buy your ticket (€ 59 / 39 for FWPA members).

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